Qi Gong for Spring

A Spring Qi Gong Practice to Increase Health and Vitality

Qi Gong is a gentle movement practice and a branch of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) to cultivate and improve your internal energy, that spark of aliveness within yourself.

We have energy within ourselves that animates our body, thoughts and emotions and the natural world around us is abundant with energy as well. Internal energy and external energy are not two separate things but there is a constant exchange between these two types of energy (think of your breath, the food you eat etc). External energy can tune us up, energize us so that we feel more alive, vibrant and healthy. Each season has a different quality of energy and by tuning into it we can elevate our internal energy and embody these qualities.

According to TCM, spring relates to the wood element. It is about growth, transformation, creativity, and abundance. Spring also represents an awakening. Nature is waking from winter hibernation with new life, blooming into a new beginning.

Qi Gong exercises mirror the way energy moves in nature. Now is a great time to enliven and awaken our energy.

Do you want to try this out? Please join me for this 30-minute routine Qi Gong for Spring.

Follow along from the comfort of your home

In this routine we will focus on the Swimming Dragon style of Qi Gong. The Dragon is associated with both strength and flexibility. This is a powerful workout that cultivates a healthy, strong body and we will also focus on transformation: letting go of the old and bringing in the new.

Written and recorded by Hedwig Bakker.

If you want to learn more about the benefits and practice of Qi Gong, you may like to join Hedwig on one of her Qi Gong retreats at Mana. Find upcoming dates here. 

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608 Manaia Road, Coromandel, New Zealand, 3581

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