Mana Retreat Centre

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ReWILD for Men Retreat with Jaime Howell

September 5 @ 12:00 pm - September 7 @ 2:00 pm

ReWILD for Men

September, 5th-7th, 2025

With Jaime Howell

A weekend for men offered by men who are curious to embody the map to wholeness (as described by Bill Plotkin). Using mythology, ritual, movement, music and nature we will embody the resources of the four archetypes of human wholeness, namely; The Wild Indigenous one, Soul Muse; Sacred fool/trickster/innocent, and the Nurturing Generative Adult.

The four facets of wholeness are powerful resources. Each archetype has a gift. Some men will benefit from reconnecting with their wildness, it will help them to reclaim their power and find freedom outside of conformity. Others are hungry for the creativity that can come when connecting to the muse, the mytho-poetic conversation with Soul. Others will gain resources to support the inner generative adult. We work with the understanding that it is our wounding where our gifts live.

Our communities need men who are doing the inner work to mature their relationship to their egos so they may be in service to life. 

This work/play/exploration happens with the support of others using the arts and nature to inspire wholeness.

What to expect

This is a weekend for men who are ready to move beyond their comfortable self to nudge the possibilities that exist when men show up with courage, care and curiosity.

This course could also be considered a professional development opportunity for men who work with men of all ages (including boys) who want to do the inner work to understand the development needs of each life stage. See the map on the home page ( Bill Plotkin 8 life stages.

This retreat is about growing self-awareness; learning to feel, and asking for support by mentors and communities of men. We will lean into mythology to help us reconnect the inner child with the resources of an instinctive and creative adult who is generative and in touch with their Soul. 

If you want to know if this retreat is for you, we suggest you watch this video and soon you will know.


Your Facilitators

Jaime Howell

Jaime has been directing the Tracks rites of passage programme for 15 years. He has studied extensively with Animas valley and is the NZ producer for their events in New Zealand. Jaime is a long-standing member of a mens group in the South Island. He has organised and guided men’s events, weekend gatherings, men dances for hundreds of men and long guided residential retreats. 

Jaime is motivated to develop maps and inquiries that support the flowering of human creativity, wisdom and care for the generations of all life to come. He supports men in particular to awaken their ecological self, the innate sense of belonging to the natural world. Jaime has a Masters Degree in Education, he is a wild poet, a student of mythology and plays a mean blues guitar. He lives in community, and knows that the sacred and the ordinary are both necessary. A friend to shadow, bruised and bumped with a heart still open. A recent new father and peaceful warrior to bring the right kind of trouble to a world waking up. 

Les Grey

Les began doing specifically Mens work in 1980 with the For Men collective, conducting a number of workshops around the north island. With that collective in 1984 he co-convened the first national hui to address men’s violence to women and children. He went on to be one of the pioneers of Stopping Violence group programs, serving on the national executive committee founding Men for Nonviolence and in turn serving as convenor of that committee. Les was known to the Karaka Tribe and Jim Horton of the Tui Community in Golden Bay. Les has a long association with the Essentially Men community, serving as a trustee and as an Elder in the Pathways to Manhood programme. Within that context, he developed a 7 day Pathways to Elderhood programme. Currently, Les regularly attends EM events and co-facilitates an annual Old Blokes gathering.

This is a new generation of men’s work…it will be safe enough, involve your whole body/mind/soul, nature, music, movement and myth.


Scholarship and Early bird discounts available visit the website

Booking page link

Queries and questions – if you are not sure if this retreat is for you, please send your questions to:


[email protected]



September 5 @ 12:00 pm
September 7 @ 2:00 pm
Event Tags:


Mana Retreat Centre
608 Manaia Road, State Highway 25, RD1
Coromandel, 3581 New Zealand
+ Google Map
+64 7 866 8972
View Venue Website


Jaime Howell


Course Number


Payment is required in full at the time of booking, by credit or debit card, or direct bank transfer using our secure POLi payment gateway.

We draw special attention to two of our guidelines before registration: Mana provides lacto-ovo vegetarian food only, this means no fish or chicken and is an alcohol and drug free environment.

Mana caters for Gluten Free, Dairy Free and Vegan.

Cancellation Policy

This group requires a minimum number of participants to go ahead, if that number is not reached we reserve the right to cancel the event.

Should you, for any reason, decide to cancel your registration; please note our cancellation policy::

  • A $50 administrative fee is applied to all cancellations prior to 72 hours before event.
  • A $100 administrative fee is applied to all cancellations within 72 hours of event.
  • A Tuition cancellation fee may apply in certain circumstances.
  • These policies are reassessed in certain circumstances.


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