Making Millet Porridge to Start the Day

The change of seasons can be a time when our bodies tend to dehydrate a little. As the climate shifts and our bodies adjust to the warming weather and longer hours of sun it is time to add more water to our day.

As well downing an extra few glasses we can be mindful of the foods we eat, are they softening and hydrating or dry and rough? The texture of our food is often a good way to consider how it will affect our body. At a time when the body feels dry is good avoid foods that will only dry it out more.

With that in mind perhaps you might want to ditch that slice of toast in the morning and replace it with a nourishing bowl of millet porridge.

Here is a recipe we use in the Mana kitchen, a favourite as a gluten free alternative to oats.

Millet Porridge

1 C millet

1 C water

rice or Soy Milk

Precook millet (we use a rice cooker – 1C millet to 1C water)

Put the required amount of cooked millet in a pot. Add rice or soya milk to desired consistency.

Here is where you can get creative – introduce some spice to your life. Add a pinch of cinnamon, nutmeg or mixed spice.

Cook until heated through.

Extra Good Stuff

There are a great many additions that you can use to add bite, flavour & extra nourishment… Try

Adding raisins or other dried fruit and cook over low flame, stirring, until the fruit has plumped up.

Adding a cup of coconut chips, flakes, milk or cream.

Grate an apple into the mix while cooking.

Add 1/4 cup chia seeds, flax seeds, sunflower seeds.

Add nuts – almonds, cashews, brazil or walnuts

Fresh fruit – top your porridge with a bevy of fresh seasonal fruits.

Finish with a dollop of yogurt or kefir milk.

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608 Manaia Road, Coromandel, New Zealand, 3581

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