Do you ever feel like time is passing faster and faster with every day that goes by? As another year comes to a close, we find ourselves in awe of how fleeting time is. We can recall the years of our youth and how each day felt long and full; the moments passed by so slowly and it felt like an eternity between weekends and birthdays. Now, we pause for a moment to catch our breath as the months pass in the blink of an eye.
The essence of time is reflected in the busyness of our attention. Especially as we grow older. We have become exceptionally skilled at multitasking and time management… and as a result, in many ways we have cultivated a time-poor society. Ironically, we cannot change the past and we cannot foresee the future so our efforts to control time have been in vain. The only part of time we have ‘control’ over at any given moment is the present. So, it stands to reason that being in the now, mindfully, might be our only chance to liberate ourselves from the feeling of time or life passing us by.
As our team prepares for a short summer break, we are contemplating how a state of presence might bridge the gap between having a full summer calendar and still feeling spacious within. Part of the process has been tuning into resources that can help us to slow the busyness of our minds, like our monthly audio meditations that we publish on our website. We are looking forward to long walks on the beach, slow starts to the day and carving out a bit of time each morning to cultivate our capacity for inner stillness. What might support you in creating a little more inner space this holiday season?
Rumi reminds us, and so does Shanti, one of the trustees and guardians at Mana who is often heard speaking these words… “with life as fleeting as a half-drawn breath, we have no time to plant anything…but love.” We hope that this holiday season presents an invitation for you to leisurely rest into time and sow seeds of love in your life.
With fervour, we would like to extend our love to all who have walked alongside us and shared in the wonder of this year. It has been another for the history books and we are grateful to be a part of such an affectionate and conscious community. Seasons blessings and deep appreciation from all of us at Mana. We look forward to seeing you in the New Year!
Written by Jade Ferriere.