This library has been created to inform and inspire all who seek to live more conscious lives. Mana Online Community encourages a holistic approach to soulful living which stems from our innate ability to create our own reality for a more conscious, joyful and balanced life.
8 Powerful Spiritual Heart Practices of Sufi Meditation
Inscribe the Name of the Divine on Your Heart Sufism is the esoteric path within Islam, where the goal is to purify oneself and achieve mystical union with the Supreme

Learn to Be Soft and You Will Be Strong
Contemplate Softness It’s the hard things that break; soft things don’t break… You can waste so many years of your life trying to be come something hard in order not

Feel Good This Winter Own Winter Retreat for Self Care
Winter is that lovely time of year where everything seems to slow down and go within. In the natural world some animals go into hibernation, the growth of plants is slowing

5 Yoga Poses to Help with Anxiety
Surrender Your Stress Anxiety can be overwhelming. If you often feel like the stress of daily life is just too much, you are not alone. With the complexity and pace
All Natural Homemade Balm to Soothe Dry Cracked Lips
We absolutely adore some of the amazing DIY recipes from Humble bee and Me, Marie has a flair for writing and a great sense of taste when it comes to
Taking Time Out: Finding Your Practice
My Dance and Art practices are breath to me. Enlivening and enriching, they provide wild exciting sustenance for my experience of being alive. Each time I step on the
Thich Nhat Hanh: The Art of Letting Go
Love More, Not Less Thich Nhat Hanh, the Zend Buddhist master, has some intertesting advice about what it means to truly let go. Many people mistage detachment or non-clining to
Showing Up for Your Practice, Just as You Are
We often may feel: if only all the conditions were perfect, then I could have a good practice. If I would be in an inspiring place, no disturbing sounds, peaceful,
Singing the World into Being with Deva Premal and Miten
Experience Transcendence Through the Practice of Chanting Deva Premal and Miten are international emissaries of the ancient practice of chanting. And it’s in these modern times of great stress, they
How to Get Out of Your Yoga Funk
Finding Your Way Back to Your Practice I am no stranger to the yoga funk. And as somone who identifies so strongly with the yogi persona (I write about yoga,
How to Come Home to Yourself in Less than 3 Minutes
In day to day life there might be moments or situations when you feel overwhelmed, overloaded, you might feel that you are going overboard, or that your mind is spinning out of
Why the Food You Eat is So Important for Spiritual Connection
How to Feed Your Soul It’s no secret that modern life can be stressful. There are so many things competing for our attention in this technological age that more and
Our Online Community is a collective field open to contributors; an inspirational space for co-creation. We welcome creative writing community contributions; personal stories, poems, vignettes, anecdotes, letters, prayers, etc that inspire Unity, Peace and Love. If you have content that you would like to share please get in touch with our team >