Mana Retreat Centre

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Guided Meditations, Conscious Living Articles & Recipes


This library has been created to inform and inspire all who seek to live more conscious lives. Mana Online Community encourages a holistic approach to soulful living which stems from our innate ability to create our own reality for a more conscious, joyful and balanced life.


Easing Worry

This series of 10 Minute Meditations guided by Hedwig Bakker are an opportunity to experience a quality of wakefulness, of ‘being exactly where you are’ in every moment of life.

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Summer’s Embrace

Time stops. Speed blurs the intricately gorgeous wings of the bee. It drinks from the small blue flower of the fragrant rosemary. The moment passes.

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Alfresco Dinner Date

What better way to enjoy these delightful balmy summer evenings than an Alfresco Dinner Date with friends and family. Let nature call you outside for a feast to tantalise all

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Stop & Smell the Roses

This series of 10 Minute Meditations guided by Hedwig Bakker are an opportunity to experience a quality of wakefulness, of ‘being exactly where you are’ in every moment of life.

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Let All Who Are Thirsty Come

The exquisite Tara Sanctuary is home to Tara Choir, an a cappella group of passionate singers who practice harmony building through the healing power of sound, mindfulness and deep listening. Read

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Tara Choir

Singing is part of everyday life at Mana, with staff and trustees alike sharing the joy of song. You’ll hear singing in the kitchen and dining room; in the octagon

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Abiding in the Luminous Heart

A practice offered by Atum O’Kane (inspired by Padmasambhava) Begin by taking a few conscious breaths, relaxing into yourself and slowly, with awareness, be deeply with each of these inner

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Guided Meditation Series

Mana means many things to many people and despite the time between visits the ‘essence’ of Mana stays close to heart. We are excited to bring Mana to you with

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Our Online Community is a collective field open to contributors; an inspirational space for co-creation. We welcome creative writing community contributions; personal stories, poems, vignettes, anecdotes, letters, prayers, etc that inspire Unity, Peace and Love. If you have content that you would like to share please get in touch with our team >


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